
Main links

I learned arrangement methods of a song in this site. In addition, there are a lot of impressive songs in this site (作曲にあたりかなり参考にさせていただいた所)

This site is a company offering "YAMAHA MOTIF ES" which is the synthesizer which I use in Maine.(現在メインでつかってるメーカー)

I review operability about a product of this company recently.(これから切り替え予定のメーカー)

I borrow a server in this site. In addition, I participate as the music production staff.

Sub links(friend)

She is a member of "CSL". And she make a text and graphic


Ishkur's Guide

A site of a genre guide of the American radio station(電子音楽の種類が何でもわかるサイト)

Digitally Imported is a multi-channel Internet radio(電子音楽専門のラジオサイト)

Lead email link

ClickLounge (日本国内では割と高めの報酬)

©PRIZE-PRIZE (日本一大きいリードメールサイト)

Silvanamail (外国のとても報酬の高いリードメール)

Maystromail (外国のとても報酬の高いリードメールその2)